

 The plot of Naruto is in initial 238 episodes of the manga and every one of the 220 episodes of the Naruto anime. In the manga, before the switch to the second episode of the series, generally known as Naruto: Shippūden, the story of Kakashi Gaiden is told.  Twelve years prior to the beginning of the series, the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox assaulted Konohagakure obliterating a great part of the town and taking numerous lives. The pioneer of the town, the Fourth Hokage yielded his life to seal the Nine-Tails into an infant, Naruto Uzumaki. Stranded by the assault, Naruto was despised by the villagers, who out of dread and resentment, saw him as the Nine-Tails itself. In spite of the fact that the Third Hokage prohibited talking about anything identified with the Nine-Tails, the kids — taking the example from their parents — inherited the same hostility towards Naruto. In his thirst to be recognized, Naruto pledged he would one day turn into the best Hokage the town had ev

Hatsune Miku

Hatsune Miku – Miku (codename CV01) was Crypton Future Media Inc.’s first Japanese Vocaloid. She was released for VOCALOID2 in August 2007. She was the seventh Vocaloid and the second VOCALOID2 voal released for the engine. She is voiced by Fujita Saki, a Japanese actress. She is also in VOCALOID3 with her English vocal release.

Kousaka Honoka

"Since I was a little girl, I acted before I spoke. Sometimes I inconvenienced those around me. I wasn't very good at expressing myself and was awkward... But that's when I found songs! Songs allow you to honestly convey your feelings. By singing, you can feel the same as others. By singing, you can connect with others. That's why I love songs. I love singing!"